Renovate your home with CARENE

Renovate your home with CARENE


Whether you are an owner occupant or lessor, co-owner or tenant … Whether your renovation projects involve energy savings, adaptation work, renovation, or rental housing (s) … Benefit from an accompaniment free and adapted with the ECORENOVE CARENE team:

  • Two advisors help you in your project by mobilizing, under income conditions, the diagnoses necessary to define your work, and all possible subsidies (ANAH – Department – Region – Pension Funds – CARENE …). Note this year, an increase in ANAH (National Habitat Agency) subsidies !
  • A councilor assists you administratively and technically in your project of renting housing (s), with or without work, and with housing visit, tax study and mobilization of possible subsidies.
  • A consultant specializing in energy renovation gives you technical and financial support and individualized advice tailored to your project, whatever your income!

And from December 2016, the possibility of being put in touch with the artisans of the territory.

To meet the team, go on Tuesdays and Friday mornings (9h-12h) in the premises of the CARENE in Saint-Nazaire, or during meetings organized in the 9 other municipalities:

  • Besné: 4th Thursday of the month from 9h to 10h (without appointment)
  • Donges: 2nd Monday of the month from 15h30 to 17h (without appointment)

                              and 4th Monday of the month from 15h30 to 17h (by appointment)

  •  La Chapelle-des-Marais: 2nd Monday of the month from 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm (by appointment)
  •  Montoir-de-Bretagne: 3rd Monday of the month from 15h45 to 17h (without appointment)
  • Pornichet (urban planning department): 2nd Tuesday of the month from 14h to 15h (by appointment)
  •  Saint-André-des-Eaux: 2nd of the Tuesday of the month from 15h30 to 16h30 (by appointment)
  • Saint-Joachim: 4th Thursday of the month from 10h30 to 12h (without appointment)
  •  Saint-Malo-de-Guersac: 3rd Monday of the month from 14h30 to 15h30 (without appointment)
  •  Trignac: 3rd Tuesday of the month from 14h to 15h (by appointment)

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